The incredible hulk has many powers that extend beyond his normal superhuman stamina and strength. Just like his name implies, he can heal from major wounds incredibly fast. He can also see and speak to astral and spiritual bodies from other planets. Hulk has a strong resistance to mental control and he is invulnerable to attacks. Moreover, since he was born from exposure to Gamma radiation, he has great ability to absorb excessive amount of radiation and utilize it to grow stronger

When Stan lee first conceived the Hulk, he decided to make him gray in color to avoid implying any ethnic group. So, during the very first issues, the Hulk takes varying shades of gray green or pure gray. This is mainly because at the time, the printers' technology that was in existence was unable to produce good gray colors. Finally, Lee gave in and accepted to make the Hulk green in color which was a much easier color to reproduce using the then available technology.
Just like his alter-ego Bruce Banner, Hulk is a gentle and kind person who cares a lot for humanity. In fact, for the Hulk to be formed, Banner was saving a young teenager who had trespassed into a bomb testing site and nearly died in an explosion. He managed to save the teenager but in the processes his body was exposed to unbelievable quantum of gamma rays which adversely affected him.
Banner realized later that during the periods of provocation and stress, he had changed into a completely different person; the timid, small scientist became a 7 foot, half ton weapon of destruction. Nothing appeared to stop the Hulk during his tantrums of rage. He demolished cities, overcome challenges and numerousobstacles from coast to coast.
The incredible Hulk special powers include high resistance to disease, injuries and pain. He has an incredible ability to jump up to 3 miles at a time and his skin can endure very cold and hot temperatures. Moreover, he is immune to all the diseases found on earth today. Putting all these things together, Hulk the super hero is capable of being hurt.
Hulk is a character who resonates easily with numerous comic book fans. His being misinterpreted and misunderstood by the society and his unlimited power and strength, makes him unproblematic to relate to, pitiable and enviable all at ones.

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