1. Airtel simply dial *141# and follow the instruction
2. Docomo type the sms as BT mobile number amount and send it to 54321
(e.g BT 9842098420 25 send to 54321 to transfer Rs. 25 )
3. Idea type the sms as GIVE mobile number amount and send it to 55567
(e.g GIVE BT 9842098420 30 send to 55567 to transfer Rs.30
4. Uninor just dial *202*mobile number *amount #
(e.g dial *202*9842098420*20# to transfer Rs.20)
5. Vodafone just dial *131*amount*mobile number#
(e.g dial *131*50*9842098420# to transfer Rs.50)
6. Aircel just dial*122*666# Select amount which you wish to transfer
7. Bsnl just send an sms GIFT mobilenumber Amount send to 53733